Best wishes from TTW to all players for the holidays and the New Year.

Last week (12/12) saw the second of the one-off trial 2-player handicap-teams events (the first was here). This followed the previous week’s December 5th end of the spring composite teams interclub.

We had more people for this second event where we combined with some juniors and had 10 teams playing
a couple of consecutive rounds on the night. Like before, not a full competition but just a good excuse for some competition and to allow the handicap system to provide some close matches between players who might not normally get to play against each
other in competition.

Results were well balanced with a number of lower-ranked players taking advantage of their points
lead to beat higher-ranked players with a number of 5-set finishes.

There were only two unbeaten teams on the night:
Graham Sole & Issac Noa
Frank Fu & Gareth Telfer